Monday, January 4, 2016

New Years Eve with the Salinas Family

This week was a little weird because I spent the whole week without an official companion. Last Monday we had transfers and my companion Elder Gomez was sent off to Villa Dolores. Then my new companion didn't get to the bus station on Monday when I went to wait for him. My new companion was supposed to be a mini missionary, aka a young man from Cordoba who is preparing to go on a mission. I waited for him for about 2 hours but he didn't show. Just when I was thinking that my companion had abandoned me without even meeting me the assistants told me that the mini wasn't going to show up until the next Monday (today). So I had an interesting week waiting for my companion. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were spent in a different area working with a missionary who was also waiting for a mini. Wednesday I remembered what I was doing about a year ago as I accompanied a young man through the temple who is preparing for his mission in Chile. Then Thursday I returned to my own area, working again with Agustin Salinas as my temporary companion.
New Year´s eve in the house of the Salinas Family. 
This week I had a lot of time to think about what I can do as an individual in the mission. I reflected a lot in a lesson learned in the book of Mormon from a war captain named Moroni. He was a revolutionary leader in his time and always found the way to make the most of his armies. One of the attributes of Moroni that I admire was that he was a man of faith and action. I believe that´s how we should be. We should have the faith that God can do everything, AND we should put our best effort also. It´s not enough just one or the other, we need faith AND action in order to be successful.
Wishing you a successful 2016, take care
Elder Lulich 
That me as an ant on top of this giant ramp-building thing in downtown

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