Monday, October 12, 2015

A Crazy Transfer

P-day at the creek.
Sorry I haven´t written for the past two weeks. Let me tell you what happened. The first time was my fault, I just didn't have time to write ( I technically shouldn't be writing now, but I think that if I went three weeks without writing a letter some people would begin to worry a little more than normal). But last week was just about the most crazy p-day of my mission. I got transferred to a new area after only three months in Villa Dolores. I was pretty sad to be leaving. I got sent to the city of Cordoba again to a place called Parque Liceo. There were sister missionaries here before, but they had some security problems so they took them out and sent me and my new companion Elder Gomez here to blank the area. So on Monday the sister missionaries gave us the address of the apartment and sent us on our way. When we got to the pension the first thing that happened was that the taxi driver told us to be careful. He said, "take care chicos, here they´ll rob you in your own doorway." So that gave us a great first impression. Then when walked up to the door of the apartment we saw that it was completely destroyed. We entered and there was literally nothing inside, no beds, no stove, nothing. The cellphone that the sisters had left us couldn't make calls so we went to a place where you can make phone calls and called the secretary of the mission telling him about our situation. He was aware and he came by with the mission car and took us and our luggage to the mission home. He told us that people had entered in the apartment several times and that we were going to live with the office elders until they closed the contract for a new apartment. We ended up living in the apartment of the office elders until Wednesday. So Monday I didn't really have any time to write. 
Me on the roof of the office elders pension with the temple in the background
Now we are in a great pension in another part of town. I've gotten to know the area pretty well in the past week. It's actually really nice despite the bad first impression that we had. The members here are great and glad to have us. We have big shoes to fill here, the sisters baptized 4 people in the three months that they were here, after 2 years of no one being baptized. We have a baptism for this Saturday of the dad of one of the young women in the branch. His name is Martin and is so ready to be baptized and make this big change in his life. I´m really excited for him.
My new comp is Elder Gomez, he is from Honduras. He has a gift of taking with everybody. In the week that I've been with him I've learned so much from his example about how to be "cool" with people and testifying at the same time.
This is going to be a great transfer.
Have a great week!

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